Living with Trauma and “trauma”

Living with Trauma and “trauma”

“Trauma is a psychic wound that hardens you psychologically and then interferes with your ability to grow and develop. It pains you and now you’re acting out of pain. It induces fear and now you’re acting out of fear. Trauma is not what happens to you, it’s what...
What Is The Real Work?

What Is The Real Work?

The Real Work It may be that when we no longer know what to do we have come to our real work, and that when we no longer know which way to go we have come to our real journey. The mind that is not baffled is not employed. The impeded stream is the one that sings. ~...
December as Liminal Space

December as Liminal Space

  Inbetween-times. What I call “liminal spaces.” We experience liminal space in small ways as well as large.   Let’s start with a definition:  Liminal space is a transitional state, phase,or condition that may be physical, emotional, or...
A few thoughts about Change

A few thoughts about Change

I’m saying “a few thoughts” today for a very practical reason…. namely, that I am moving in a few days, about 3 hours north, back to territory thar has been “home” in the past. So my time is mostly spent seeing a few clients and...